We are seeing in Tamworth and throughout the Uk that savings are being made, the most recent announcement affecting Tamworth is the closure of the Magistrates Courts. I fully agree with the comments that have already been made by our MP Christopher Pincher and many local residents who feel that this is a loss to the people of Tamworth.
I am on occasions an optimist and wonder if this could in fact be a vital catalyst in further changing our town centre.
I don't know the intentions of the ministry of Justice and nor do I know the ownership of the building and land it stands on but what I do know is that it neighbours a reasonably large amount of public sector assets with TamYouth, Connexions and the police station. Is this an opportunity to look at an invest to save approach to both generate savings and protect vital services provided in the area while redeveloping Tamworth's Town Centre and a gateway to the town centre? Possibly providing new youth facilities, new police station, new office space all built in ways to provide better energy efficiency?
So how could or would this happen?
The public sector does not have large amounts on money to spend on capital developments and neither does it have the ability to generate large levels of income from such facilities to generate revenue to pay off borrowing and so the public sector would need some private sector help. There is possibly an opportunity here for a public/ private partnership which would take the benefits of each partners assets and contribution to make something big happen. The public sector has the land and needs new facilities, the private sector has the investment and drive to commercially make a return.
My vision for the area would be a multi use development providing better facilities for the people of Tamworth and maybe any of the following ideas. - New Towncentre housing, new town centre office space, an alternative road access to the new Gungate development, more car parking, commercial exhibition space a complementary offer to Albert Road and the new Gungate development. All potentially generating a return for an investor.
This is only an idea of mine and would depend on a number of parties to make the right moves to make it happen, I'm happy to put the idea out there for discussion and help make things happen for our town centre.
Jeremy Oates
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