Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Former Councillors

Last week I chaired the Full Council meeting of Tamworth Borough Council. Part of the agenda is for the Mayor, Leader, Cabinet or Chief Exec to make announcements, this year I decided to use this opportunity to make sure we say Thank you to the councillors who have either retired or did not get re-elected.

I have always felt that it is a tragic shame for outgoing councillors to simply leave without mention. Well they get a letter asking them to return their badge and laptop, doesn't even warn them that the door may hit their backside on the way out. So as simple as the gesture is I had some certificates printed which I signed and framed, these thanked the former councillor on behalf of the people of Tamworth and listed their terms of office.

Mr Martyn Price served on the council from 2007 to 2011
Mr Ben Price served on the council from 2007 to 2011
Mr Steven Nicklin served on the council from 2007 to 2011
Mr John Wells has served a number of terms totalling 24 years on the council retiring in 2011

There names will be recorded in a set of minutes which their children or grandchildren may never see, In fact John Wells has also been Mayor so will have more recognition in local history but still little. I hope the certificates I gave out will give them some pride that they can share with their kids and grand kids in years to come.

Simple gift but a Thank you and the respect they deserve.

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