Monday, 20 June 2011

End of road works gets moves closer. with Road Closures

So after weeks of mild irritation and only one complaint the road works around Ventura feel like they have always been with us but as you drive round you can see the signs of progress. Curbs have been moved, signal heads are up and holes are beginning to fill back up. It is no difficult to see the extra width and more tarmac that is going down as well as better pedestrian crossing points some with signals too.

Progress have been rapid and despite a few moans about the early start time the overnight working has been successful.

This week there will be a significant change to the retail park and we will all be struggling with overnight road closures, these are needed so that the roundabouts can bee resurfaced properly and efficiently.

Later this week the road between the large (sainsbury's roundabout) and Banatynes Gym will be closed over night with temporary traffic lights on the roundabout. this will allow for the roundabout to be closed a third at a time to be resurfaced overnight. so some nights traffic will travel the wrong way around the roundabout. there will also be diversions along the dual carriage way of Riverdrive including using using both sides for two way traffic.
so that's as clear as mud for you,
Basically the Bonehill road A453 will have overnight closures between Tame drive/Bittescote drive and Venura Park road.
If i can get a map i will share it here

As I write this I do not have all the details and what I get more I will update this blog.

1 comment:

  1. The biggest cause of traffic congestion at Ventura park is the two pedestrian crossings between Asda and Matalan,So to improve the problem some donkey comes up with the idea of putting more pedestrian crossings around the islands.Brilliant!
