Saturday, 10 December 2011

Amington Band Christmas Concert

I've just got in from tonights Mayoral duty and I'm that excited about it I have had to turn the computer on and write this blog entry.

So I have seen Amington Band before and would recommend them to anyone especially if you have not seen them before. Tonight was a fantastic treat, we had the band playing a variety of pieces and playing backing to a great Tenor Richard Lloyd Owen as well as the Birmingham Citadel Timbrel Brigade.

The Night began with the band playing Little Drummer Boy and White Christmas, then came the Birmingham Tinbrel ladies came out and performed with Amington Band providing the music, for anyone who doesn't know what a Timbrel group does (me about 4 hours ago) search them on google, but it involves some really good tambourine dancing with tassel's. When a Child is Born was followed by the Tenor singer who entertained and amazed us with his vocal talents.

Another highlight were the 2 performances by The Lichfield Players who were really good and added some great humour to the evening.

I had a great night and really enjoy listening to Amington Band but for me the highlight of the night was the last set, the audience was asked to stand and join in singing some Christmas carols. The whole of the assembly rooms were on their feet, the band was playing louder than they had all night, all the other performers joined then on stage and we raced through 9 carols with an atmosphere and volume you would not believe if you were not there, we all really raised the roof. Everyone joined in and sang their hearts out, it was truly a fantastic moment in such a great venue.

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